What are the Stages of Surface Treatment Application?

What are the stages of surface treatment application?

What are the Stages of Surface Treatment Application?

A good surface is obtained in the following five steps, respectively.

  • Degreasing (pre-washing process)
  • Deburring
  • Polishing
  • Rinse
  • Drying

What is a Burr?

Burrs are residual parts of height or protruding edge or material that remain on its surface, edges, or product-specific parts after production, which are produced by machines such as presses or CNCs that process metal plates or metal blocks. It is compulsory to be cleaned both for subsequent processes and in order not to disturb during use. All burrs are destroyed by the process called ‘deburring’ and different types of machines.

What are the Stages of the Deburring process?

The deburring process consists of three stages. For the best results, operations are performed in the following order.

Degreasing (pre-washing process)
Deburring process
Rinsing process

Why Should Degreasing be Done?

The degreasing process is the first surface treatment stage and is of great importance for all other stages. Because a strong friction force is required for the most accurate result. Since the friction force occurs on the most oil-free surfaces, products, and abrasive stones should be degreased by pre-washing. Thus, the degreasing process, which is an additional process under normal conditions, was also applied during surface finishing and no extra degreasing process is required. KAYAKOCVIB deburring fluids are of two types and suitable deburring fluid is determined according to the raw material from which the product is produced.

Deburring Process

Deburring is the second stage of the products produced with various metal raw materials after production. The burrs of the products are cleaned with various chemical content liquids used in combination with vibration or centrifugal machines and abrasive stones (chips, media) produced in plastic or ceramic structures called “deburring stones”. Deburring takes place with the friction effect of abrasive stones and metal parts. As a result of the harmony of abrasive stones and the geometric structure of the product, it is applied equally and equally to all edges, corners, and surfaces of the product. Smooth edges, corners, and a homogeneous surface are obtained, although they differ from the product to the product. KAYAKOCVIB deburring fluids are of two types and suitable deburring fluid is determined according to the raw material from which the product is produced.

Why Should Rinsing be Done?

Products that have been removed from burrs and which will go to the next process should be purified from chemicals containing liquids used in degreasing and deburring. Therefore, the last of the surface treatment stages is “rinsing” with water only. If the products are to be polished after deburring, the polishing step is started without the need for rinsing, but rinsing is the most appropriate finishing process for coating or other processes.

Surface Treatment Process

Stage 1: Pre-Treatment – Cleaning the Slate:

Explain the importance of removing dirt, grease, and other contaminants.
Discuss different pre-treatment methods like degreasing, pickling, and blasting.
Emphasize how good pre-treatment ensures a strong bond for subsequent stages.

Stage 2: Surface Modification – Shaping the Canvas:

Explore techniques like sanding, polishing, and etching that alter the surface texture.
Explain how these techniques improve adhesion, wear resistance, or aesthetic appeal.
Highlight the impact of surface modification on different materials like metals, plastics, and wood.

Stage 3: Coating Application – Adding the Finishing Touch:

Delve into various coating methods like painting, electroplating, anodizing, and powder coating.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each method based on desired properties and material compatibility.
Share interesting examples of how specific coatings enhance performance or aesthetics.

Stage 4: Finishing Touches – Sealing the Deal:

Discuss final treatments like curing, drying, or buffing for optimal results.
Explain how proper finishing enhances durability, protects against corrosion, and creates a stunning final look.

Metal Surface Treatment Processes

Stage 1: Cleansing the Canvas – Pre-Treatment

Imagine removing every speck of dirt and grime from a knight’s armor. Pre-treatment does just that for metal, using degreasing baths, acid pickling, or blasting.

Why is it crucial? Like laying a perfect foundation for a building, good pre-treatment ensures strong adhesion for subsequent stages.

Stage 2: Sculpting the Surface – Modification

Think of metal as clay awaiting a skilled sculptor. Sanding, polishing, and etching reshape the surface, improving smoothness, wear resistance, or even aesthetics.

Diamonds aren’t the only girls’ best friends! Abrasive media like sand and diamond particles play starring roles in this stage.

Stage 3: The Armor Cladding – Coating Application

Picture dipping a sword in molten metal for ultimate protection. Coating techniques like electroplating, anodizing, and powder coating offer similar benefits for metal.

From rust-proof zinc to dazzling chrome, the coating kingdom is vast. Explore different options based on desired properties and metal compatibility.

Stage 4: The Final Polish – Finishing Touches

Like buffing a warrior’s shield to a blinding shine, the final touches seal the deal. Curing, drying, and buffing enhance durability, protect against corrosion, and create a stunning final look.

Surface Treatment Products

In the grand theatre of surface transformation, where dullness takes a break and brilliance takes center stage, the heroes are not just techniques, but the powerful potions and polishes known as surface treatment products. But navigating this diverse realm can be overwhelming. Fear not, for I, your bard of brilliance, am here to unveil the secrets of these wondrous solutions!

Unmasking the Heroes:

Cleaners: Forget Cinderella’s wicked stepsisters, these cleansers are the fairy godmothers, banishing grime, grease, and contaminants, leaving a blank canvas for further enhancement. From gentle degreasers to heavy-duty strippers, they cater to every level of grime.

Primers: Imagine a handshake between the surface and its new coating. Primers act as the perfect matchmakers, ensuring optimal adhesion and preventing peeling or flaking. Think of them as invisible bridges, paving the way for a long-lasting bond.

Coatings: The stars of the show! From paints and lacquers to epoxies and powder coatings, they breathe life into surfaces, adding color, protection, and functionality. Picture them as a chameleon, adapting to your desired finish, be it a vibrant splash or a tough shield.

Sealers: Ever wished for a force field? Sealers come close! They form a protective barrier, repelling water, stains, and wear and tear, keeping your treated surfaces looking pristine for years to come. Think of them as a knight’s armor, safeguarding your hard-earned shine.

A Play for Every Stage:

Just like actors fit specific roles, surface treatment products cater to diverse materials and purposes:

Metals: Rust-fighting primers, high-heat paints, and corrosion-resistant coatings take metals to a new level of resilience.

Wood: Wood stains, sealers, and waxes enhance the natural beauty of wood, protecting it from moisture and wear.

Plastics: Adhesion promoters and flexible paints ensure long-lasting finishes on even the most challenging plastics

What are the Stages for Surface Preparation?

Removing the Old Guard: Peeling paint flakes are unwanted actors in this play. Removing old coatings or loose material levels the playing field, creating a smooth base for the new star – your chosen coating. Scrapers, sanders, and chemical strippers are the tools of this act.

Roughing Up the Canvas: Think of adding texture to a blank wall before painting. Surface roughening creates microscopic “teeth” for the coating to grip, enhancing adhesion and preventing peeling. Sanding and abrasive blasting are the go-to techniques for this stage.

Neutralizing the Chemistry: Sometimes, lingering contaminants like salts or acids can sabotage the performance of your coating. Neutralizing chemicals address these invisible foes, ensuring a stable and lasting bond.

Drying the Stage: A wet canvas won’t hold paint, right? Drying the surface completely removes any moisture that could disrupt the coating’s adhesion or cause unwanted bubbles. Fans, dehumidifiers, and even good old-fashioned sunshine can play their roles here.

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